
Sunday 3 November 2013

BACK-TRACK MEMORY 2nd November 2013

Monthly Og 1 outing. This time we went to Playnation. Crazy and embarrassing games we played there, but hey we are never too old for games! :)

while waiting for dance central 3 & raving rabbids round 2

After the games, Time for dinner. 
took this pic specially for Sophia who couldn't make it ytd. 
And guess where did we went for dinnerrrr! 


left btm to right btm (clock wise)
Fish & Chips
Dory specials 
Mushroom spag (i forgot the exact name but it was like a vegetarian dish)
Red hot chick ( chilli tomato pasta with chicken chunks) 

Iced roasted almond latte & chocotruffle.
there was also a new york cheese cake which has a very confusing taste.
It tasted to have lemons inside, but idk, the 4 of us tried it.. and came to a conclusion tt the cheesecakes was confusing.  But it was pretty refreshing to have a cheesecake tt has slight lemon zest~ and you won't feel as sick eating the whole pc yourself.
 And do try their sweet potato latte (purple sweet potato) I think its unique and nice.
Would definitely come back to the cafe for the good service and friendliness of the staffs, also not forgetting their sweet potato lattee

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